America's Founding Daddy Issues

Sophia personified America and shared her excitement for Trump to be ousted on Inauguration Day 2021!

Watch below

Minute Maid Commercials

Sophia shot 2 Minute Maid commercials during election week and had the honor of playing a mom!

Check them out below. Click “Watch on YouTube” to watch the clips.

Not the NY I Know

Sophia put her photos of NYC from March 2020-September 2020 into a photography project, seen below.

Signs from the Past

Sophia learned American Sign Language (ASL) from Megan Clancy for this short film they made with Cynthia Bloodgood to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, encouraging everyone to vote in this year’s election. Megan and Sophia connected on Instagram when they both helped raise money in the quarantine for charity doing the #SongtoMonologue.

Check Signs from the Past out here and make sure to vote!

The Breathe Project

Sophia’s Dying Lady Liberty is on display through Labor Day as part of The Breathe Project, an art installation created in response to the murder of George Floyd and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

To see photos of the exhibit, click here, courtesy of Tommy Mintz.

To see the video Sophia took of the exhibit, click here.

WHEN: Through Labor Day (September 7)

WHERE: Hudson Guild in Chelsea (441 W 26th St/119 Ninth Ave New York, NY 10001)


2020: I’m so woke, I’m tired Art

Disclosure: If you are easily upset by words regarding the current climate of this country, do not put sound on. If you want to listen to the accompanying words , SOUND ON. If you put sound on, I will explain the piece. This is controversial art; not made to please everyone. We all have a right to our opinions and our voice. And I am using my voice via my art. This is “found object” art and not all images are mine.

Credit to (in order of appearance): MLK Pop Art by NLopezArt, Lady Justice by Ted Ellis via Black Art Depot, Black Jesus by My Kemetic Dreams/Jesus Mafa, Doves and Olive Branch by Steve Simon via Fine Art America, Native Mother by Annelie via Livemaster ru, The Black Madonna and Child From Russian Icons, Seminole Madonna and Child by John Giuliani, Devaki, Mother of Krishna by Marianne Stokes, Asian Virgin Mary via ChurchPop, and Our Universe is an Atom via Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and Pinterest. And thank you Candace for helping me edit the text. My artistic influences for this piece are Jeff Koons and Marcel Duchamp.

For a list of resources on what you can do, go to this link.

This art’s (shortened) voice over is featured in A Moment of Your Time podcast, a space for creatives made in the quarantine. Click here to listen or click below.

Unemployment Parody Commercial

Sophia and her creative partner Lauren E. Butler, under their production company: The Tadpoles, produced another sketch comedy video in quarantine, this time about unemployment, which 40 million other Americans can relate to!

Watch here!

The Dying Lady Liberty

I am not black and I believe that #BlackLivesMatter. I stand with you. 

This video is 8 minutes and 46 seconds long to remind you of the last moments of George Floyd’s life, imprisoned by a system that doesn’t value black women disappearing and the genocide of black men is the SAME system that failed (or never tried) to properly warn 100,000 Americans about COVID-19 who are now dead is the SAME system that was founded by slave-owners, who incorrectly wrote “all men are created equal”, is the SAME system that allows rapists to get away is the SAME system that doesn’t pay women the same as men. I support the REVOLUTION to annihilate this system that pins us against us against each other. We need to UNITE as one human race and LOVE each other. WE NEED PEACE. We need to vote and make our voice heard, NOT THROUGH VIOLENCE. We need to CHANGE this system and the very laws that apply only to certain Americans🗽 

For resources and how you can take peaceful action, click here.

Echoes of A Lost Son Play on Film

Check out Sophia playing Jenny in the award-winning play (Norman Hall Memorial Playwrights Contest) put on film, Echoes of A Lost Son, by Chima Chikazunga about a man who passed away during the 9/11 Attack and brings three women together.

Jenny is a young mother whose son’s life is in danger. She seeks help from the mother of the father of her son, but no one knew she even existed, let alone a son.

Watch is here on YouTube!

Marvels Podcast by Marvel

You can hear Sophia currently voicing the Bodega Owner and Bronx Radio DJ on the new podcast, Marvels, available on Stitcher, based on the critically acclaimed and award-winning comic book, Marvels, celebrating its 25th year anniversary.

This stars Method Man and AnnaSophia Robb as well!

For Sophia’s episodes, be sure to listen to:

Episode 2-Retribution-13:02

Episode 7-I Feel Fine-00:19

Click here to listen!


How to New York Season 1

Season 1 of How to New York, Sophia’s web series she has co-created with Lauren E. Butler, co-founder of their company, The Tadpoles, is waiting for you to watch on YouTube and subscribe!

Season 1 comprises 3 episodes about being a New Yorker through laundry, the MTA, clubbing, and pizza.

Watch, comment, like, subscribe, and share!